Welcome To Clean2Spec Cleaning Contractors Limited

COVID-19 Deep clean- decontamination​

In these uncertain times, we wanted to provide an update on what we are doing at Clean2Spec to support you and your organisations.

As the situation around novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, we will all face an extremely challenging time, and our industry, in particular, must play its part in helping to reduce the risk of the spread of the disease.

Question – What do we need to do to deep clean?

After a confirmed outbreak of COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) to ensure a deep clean, all substrates, fixtures, fittings, furniture (including soft) and other items in the area are disinfected (to protect the operative), then cleaned and finally re-disinfected.

A deep clean will involve 8 elements:

Question – What can we use to kill the virus?

Current Public Health England advice is as follows;

“a chlorine-based disinfectant should be used, in the form of a solution at a minimum strength of 1,000ppm”